

...to read a comic book in public Sunday.

Tomorrow is the anniversary of Jack Kirby's birthday, as well Read Comics in Public Day.

Last year, Sue of DCWomenKickingAss created an off-shoot called, appropriately, Women Read Comics in Pubic, too.

The idea is take a picture of yourself (or, considering the logistics of that, get a friend of family member to do it for you!) reading a comic. Single issue, trade, whatever works.

Then post and/or submit it to the DCWKA site. It's that easy!

I know this is my 'food' blog, but c'mon; you all know my love of comics spill over into everything else. I can't be the only one!

So, tomorrow...I hope to see a number of you doing the exact same thing as me: reading a comic.

Remember how there used to book giveaways and contests on this site? Well come back tomorrow and there will be another one! I will be giving away 10 paperback copies of a book that was chosen as a Notable Book of the Year by The New York Times Book Review....

- Righting A Wrong
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- Batman: Year Seventy
Right, so it's no real secret I like comic books, heroes, and all the trappings associated with them. It's also fairly well-known the level of detail I will put into anything I am even mildly passionate about. So don't tell me you're...

- Not About Food: Blogday 2007
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- A Food Blog In Comics
Many of you have discovered that I don't keep up with the numerous "check out my site" emails I get. I apologize to everyone who's sent me one and hasn't gotten a response. But when someone pitches you with a personalized comic strip, it catches...

