A Food Blog in Comics

A Food Blog in Comics

Many of you have discovered that I don't keep up with the numerous "check out my site" emails I get. I apologize to everyone who's sent me one and hasn't gotten a response. But when someone pitches you with a personalized comic strip, it catches your eye. And when you go to the site and discover that it's a blog done in comics, well, it seems worth mentioning.

Which is why I'm pointing you to Mostly About Food. It's a cute idea (is it the first comics-based food blog?), so you should at least give it a look.

- Righting A Wrong
Not too long ago, Hostess unveiled Green Lantern Glo Balls...a clear tie-in with the upcoming Green Lantern movie. Ok; fine. Hal Jordan on the package makes sense in that context. But when the images of Batman & Superman appeared on boxes of the...

- You Know You Want To
Read comics in public, that is. Tomorrow is The First Annual International Read Comics in Public Day, created by the folks at The Daily Cross Hatch. Pretty simple concept. Reading comics is not something to (only) do huddled in a corner of your house...

- It's Not Just Hearts & Flowers, You Know
I made these cards for a couple of new friends, connected by our love of comics & superheroes & villains. One has a big thing for the Scarecrow. He pretty much creeped me out, while I was drawing him. I guess that's a good sign, yes? I...

- Not About Food: Blogday 2007
Take the OWF 5-year anniversary reader survey. Today is BlogDay, an annual event where bloggers point the way to five “new” blogs. I interpret that phrase to mean “new, perhaps, to you” rather than “less than one year old.”...

- Update To Food Blogroll
I have finally updated my "blogroll," the list of links down the side of the page. I gave up on ever keeping it up to date, and then I discovered that my RSS reader can generate a blogroll for me. The new entries (just my food folder) don't have my...

