My Emerald Archer

My Emerald Archer

Alex as Green Arrow, Oliver Queen.
More to come...including the one with 'Ollie' & his bevy of blond babes....

And here they are:

- Pike Place Market:shop
Seattle's Pike Place Market is the real deal. Much as I love our version, the Ferry Building Marketplace, Pike Place is much more accessible for everyday shopping. There are tons more produce stands, and the prices are way more competitive. Just...

- Everyone Wins
Be sure to stop in at your local Dairy Queen today. It's hot out there. So set aside some time, and get yourself a Blizzard. Or two. Because today only, all proceeds from the sale of Blizzards go to the Make-a-Wish Foundation. So grab yourself some...

- Why I Think He's Precious
This morning, over breakfast, Alex said: "I see ice." Me: "You see ice? Where?" Alex: "Ice, outside." Me: "Honey, there's no way there's ice out there. It's just too hot." Alex: "They said there'd be ice-olated showers!" Hee. It is my...

- Happiness Is A Mint Oreo Blizzard
Well, it is if you're Alex. This month, Blog Party's all about the ultimate hand-held food & having a Pizza Party! Top your pies...full-sized and sliced, or in miniature form...any way you want, pour yourself a drink, and join the party....

- Cake For Mommy
I hope your Mother's day (where applicable!) was as good as mine. I was treated to breakfast in bed, wonderful gifts (CSI fingerprinting kit!), and dinner at our favorite sushi restaurant. This was followed by a slice of Dairy Queen ice cream 'cake'....

