Pike Place market:Shop

Pike Place market:Shop

Seattle's Pike Place Market is the real deal. Much as I love our version, the Ferry Building Marketplace, Pike Place is much more accessible for everyday shopping. There are tons more produce stands, and the prices are way more competitive. Just like at our market, there are always plenty of tourists and locals walking around enjoying the sights, sounds, smells and of course tastes the market has to offer.

When I go to the Pike Place Market, there are several stops I feel compelled to make. First stop, walking around snacks. I'm a sucker for mini doughnuts which are served hot, with or without cinnamon sugar. Little fried dough balls of goodness. The smell alone will get you. But if you are not lured by the doughnuts, you can try tastes of whatever the fresh produce vendors are sampling and nibbles of the famous Chukar dried cherries or a myriad of jellies and jams.

The market has no fewer than three spice shops to peruse. While I sometimes buy spices in bulk at markets at home, a spice market is always fun to explore. But the main attraction for me anyway, is the produce. Right now the market is filled with gorgeous citrus fruit including an emerald mandarin that is green on the outside and bright orange on the inside. I also saw plenty of peppers, all colors, shapes and sizes. There were deep, dark, leafy greens and big bundles of leeks piled high. The market is always a true feast for the senses.

If you want to know what is fresh at the Pike Place Market, you can subscribe to Freshwire a weekly email newsletter that includes recipes and shopping tips in addition to seasonal news. Sign up here.

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