Grammar for Foodies

Grammar for Foodies

I don't have the energy to participate in the they're/their, your/you're, and it's/its battles. I have resigned myself to flinching at the homophonic hiccups that pepper everyone's text, flying under the radar of spell checkers and the quick scan that everyone no doubt does before they press Publish.

But I will sound the trumpet for one small grammatical campaign. A campaign that every food writer can fight. We can make a difference. Where do you shop for produce? At a farmers' market.

Not at a farmer's market. And certainly not at a farmers market, unless you're shopping for personal growers. [UPDATE: Tana points out that the AP style guide says "farmers market," so maybe I'll just campaign against farmers' vs. farmer's. Though I don't understand the "farmers market" usage.]

I, too, have shopped at a farmer's market, choosing common usage over common sense. I understand the urge to succumb to the mass's will. But don't be deceived by the single market; multiple growers sell at a farmers' market. You could visit a farmer's roadside stand, and I imagine the one-stall market we saw in Robion could be a farmer's market. But these are exceptions.

I've made my decision: I hereby swear to you to drop farmer's market from my prose. Who's with me?

Sorry for the repeat, OWEE readers.

- Ferry Plaza Farmers Market Turns 20
The Center for Urban Education and Sustainable Agriculture, aka CUESA is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Ferry Plaza farmers market. It's one of the best farmers market in America, and for good reason. In addition to being a showcase for some...

- Market Madness
Did we all see this coming? Or just me? Carlo Petrini founder of the Slow Food movement, the very man who inspired so many farmers at the Ferry Plaza farmers market has dared to criticize the farmers at the very same market for their outrageous prices...

- Farmers Market Opens Today
Can we ever have too many farmers markets? I don't think so. One of the most exciting trends in the past few years has been the explosion in growth of farmers markets. According to the USDA, the number of farmers markets increased almost 20% between...

- Cherries On Sfist
Melissa reminded me that I hadn't yet mentioned my latest SFist piece, a short post about the cherries we're seeing everywhere. Her aunt and uncle visited from Michigan, and we met them and Melissa's mom at the Ferry Plaza Farmer's Market....

- Ferry Plaza Farmer's Market Bonanza!
The Ferry Plaza Farmer's Market is finally moving to its new home. It may seem odd, but its new home is...the ferry plaza! This seeming discrepancy is caused by the extensive amount of work that's been going on in this area, forcing the market...

