Ferry Plaza Farmers Market Turns 20

Ferry Plaza Farmers Market Turns 20

The Center for Urban Education and Sustainable Agriculture, aka CUESA is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Ferry Plaza farmers market. It's one of the best farmers market in America, and for good reason. In addition to being a showcase for some of the finest local produce, it's also been a model for building community and reestablishing the urban connection to farms. 

Thanks to CUESA and the Ferry Plaza farmers market, the farmers market movement as whole has grown, with somewhere around 20 markets in San Francisco alone. Beyond helping to grow the farmer's market movement CUESA has supported chefs, created educational programs, and regularly holds events that engage the public in a variety of ways.

The Ferry Plaza farmers market is a showcase for gorgeous produce, but in some ways the very success of the market has chased me away. While I have friends who still shop there religiously, I've grown tired of the hustle and bustle of tourists and chefs, and when the bus stop was removed from in front of the market, I pretty much stopped shopping there on Saturdays.

Thankfully the market is much less crazy during the week. If I'm downtown, I will swing by on a Tuesday or Thursday to pick up a few items. like these amazing strawberries from Dirty Girl Produce. They taste better than just about any other strawberries I've ever had. 

Whether you shop there frequently or not, I hope you'll consider supporting CUESA and attending one or more of the upcoming celebratory events. 
Read more about the history of the market: 

Ferry Plaza Market cultivates revolution by Tara Duggan

Starting a farmers' market by Patricia Unterman

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