What am I? A One-Woman Bakery?

What am I? A One-Woman Bakery?

I can hear you from here; you're saying "Another muffin? C'mon, Stephanie...you're in a rut!".

Another breakfast treat for Matt, and another recipe from this book; Chocolate (Mini) Chip Muffins.

Such a simple muffin; dry ingredients, wet ingredients, chips. Seriously. So easy.

While baking, I could smell the vanilla...and the chocolate...sigh.

Matt loved them, and jokingly suggested I not share them with Alex. As it turned out, Alex thought the muffins only 'alright', and didn't finish his (ok; they're huge, so I refuse to take it personally). Which leaves four more for Matt!

When I bought the Williams-Sonoma book, I also ordered a second muffin cookbook, 500 Best Muffin Recipes, which has been disappointingly boring. The book is bereft of pictures (always a seller for me), and the majority of the recipes are...gasp...healthy.

If I were baking for myself, that would be fine. As it is, I'm baking muffins for Matt. And he likes his cheese and bacon and chocolate and sugar.

So, while the W-S book may be smaller, and contain fewer recipes, I'm getting a lot more use out of it than the 500 book.

You never can tell, eh?

Blog Party 8 has been announced, and this month, we're having Brunch! Turn your favorite breakfast foods into bite-sized treats, and join the party! Your entries are due no later than this Thursday, 16 March; Blog Party is 18 March. Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink, Baking, Muffins, Chocolate Chips, Cookbooks, Williams-Sonoma,

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