Finally, As Promised:Jalapeno-Cornmeal Muffins

Finally, As Promised:Jalapeno-Cornmeal Muffins

Indira's been waiting, and here they are!

Muffins for Matt, three jalapenos, minced, cornmeal, flour, buttermilk, and mashed potatoes (recipe calls for zucchini, but ours went bad), topped with grated cheese (Asiago), and baked till dry and firm.

Indira was right to make her muffins for dinner; here's Matt's review:

Good. There's a good jalapeno flavor without overwhelming heat, and
they're remarkably soft for something made with cornmeal. Must be the
potatoes. I do think it might be a better dinner thing than breakfast,

Sorry it took so long to post!

And man; am I getting my money's worth from those jumbo muffins pans, or what?

Blog Party 8 has been announced, and this month, we're having Brunch! Turn your favorite breakfast foods into bite-sized treats, and join the party! Your entries are due no later than next Thursday, 16 March; Blog Party is 18 March. Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink, Baking, Muffins, Jalapenos, Cornmeal, Cookbooks

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