WDB#25: Pups At Play (almost)

WDB#25: Pups At Play (almost)

It's another round-up of all things dogs at Sweetnicks; be sure to get your over-load of cuteness!

Greenie 'toothbrushes' for everone.

I'm just so happy!

Wanna see?

I'm so cute, it kills me.

Hmmm...it would be so easy...



Blog Party 8 has been announced, and this month, we're having Brunch! Turn your favorite breakfast foods into bite-sized treats, and join the party! Your entries are due no later than this Thursday, 16 March; Blog Party is 18 March. Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink, WDB, Dogs, Puppies

- Blog Party#44: Brunch, Worth Getting Up Early For...again
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- Arf! Arf! Says The Trained Seal...
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