Now that's what I call a 'muffin'

Now that's what I call a 'muffin'

After a recent spend-fest at Bed, Bath & Beyond, and a purchase of a jumbo muffin pan, I then had to spend even more money, buying up muffin cookbooks.

Two in the mail Monday, including the Williams-Sonoma Collection: Muffins book.

A quick flip through, to find something I could make now. And as the fellows on "Coupling" say, "Re-sult!".

Bacon and Gruyere Muffins

Fairly simple. Milk, egg, sour cream, melted butter and/or bacon grease added to pretty basic dry ingredients, followed by the standard 'fold just until combined'. Add grated cheese and crumbled bacon, spoon into cups, bake till set.

Just so you have an idea...those muffins weigh around six ounces. Each!

I won't have Matt's report till later today, but I just can't see how they could go wrong.

And one muffin's all it takes...those suckers are huge!

Blog Party#7 is coming up, and this month? It's all about Red and Hot! Your cocktail and appetizer entries are due this Thursday, 16 February...send them to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com, or leave a link in the comment section. Get planning, and hope to see you at the party!

Tagged with: Food and Drink, Blog Party, Events, Muffins, Baking, Cheese, Bacon, Blogging,

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