WDB: Guest Pups, or why some people shouldn't be allowed to have dogs

WDB: Guest Pups, or why some people shouldn't be allowed to have dogs

Say 'hello' to Duke and "Fluffy". A couple of neighborhood dogs who have been, effectively, turned out by their owners.

Three weeks ago, they started hanging around my door. Being the animal lover I am, I went out to the porch to visit with them, and discovered that both are gentle, sweet, and seriously underweight.

Duke lives a few houses down from us. His owners happened to be driving by that day, and attempted to take him home. From the dog's reaction to them, it must not be a very good one.

He was back the next day. Two weeks later, when I found Duke with a bloody mouth (turned out, a tooth had come loose), I took him back, shut him in his yard, and left my information, along with a note about Duke's injury.

Not only did Duke (and "Fluffy") show up in my yard an hour and a half later, but I never heard from them. The next door neighbor told me they're never home, and she often has to put food out for Duke.

"Fluffy" lives three houses to the right of us; his owner is a bit of a character (and not in a good way). His next door neighbor informed me "Fluffy" is never fed, either. He's sweet, and loyal, and is clearly not the sort of dog who should be running free.

Hoping to keep them from running the streets, and because I can't stand the thought of two sweet pups starving (especially during the winter), I've been setting out a bowl of food and water for them. I also tossed a couple of old pillows (and later, a Goodwill Store blanket) for them to sleep on.

Which they do. Four o'clock in the morning, you can find them curled up on the porch.
During the day, they sun themselves in our front yard, or on the porch.

Their owners know where they are, but clearly don't care. Matt absolutely will not allow me to take in two more dogs, but I do what I can for them. The past couple of nights, as the temperatures have dropped to the low teens, we've brought them inside to sleep. Everyone gets along (although Doolin thinks he's a lion or something, and acts bossy), and we've had peaceful nights.

They're just looking for love and attention, which they can get here. I'd feel much better if they had homes, and better yet if they were good homes. I can't turn them away, because I'm afraid of what will happen to them if someone isn't caring for them.

How people can raise a pup, then decide it's no longer worth the work, and ignore them, is beyond me. And as sweet as these two are, it breaks my heart to know they're unwanted.

I mean, can you imagine YOUR dog being missing for three weeks, and not doing a thing about it?

Keep good thoughts for these two, ok? They need it.

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Tagged with: Food & Drink + WDB + Puppies + Dogs

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