Dogs and Curry: But Not in the Same Dish!

Dogs and Curry: But Not in the Same Dish!

A few weeks ago, we made (and by 'we', I mean Matt...lucky me) this wonderful La Hore Chicken & Potato Curry.

This may be the closest we've come to a restaurant-like dish at home. Creamy, flavorful...everything we love about our favorite Indian restaurant.

The recipe came from Indian Home Cooking, which was exactly the sort of book we were looking for.

Not difficult to make, with excellent results.

This book is going to become dog-eared.

Speaking of, I missed WDB yesterday (busy from start to finish), so here's a couple pictures of Duke & Fluffy. Donegal even manages to sneak in there.

Sweet puppies.

Blog Party#19 is under way, and this month, we're taking Comfort in our favorite feel-good foods. Turn your favorite comforting treats to appetizers by Thursday, 15 February (thehappysorceress at gmail dot com), and hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Curry + Potatoes + Chicken + Cookbooks + Indian

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