

Sometimes, you wonder why you didn't come up with what seems like a perfectly obvious idea.

Like this Potato Dosadilla; a recipe from Robin Robertson's Quick-Fix Vegetarian.

Absurdly simple; cook minced onion in oil till soft, add mashed potatoes, thawed frozen baby peas and curry powder (which me made ourselves), continue cooking till warm. This goes on tortillas, which are then rolled and cooked...grill pans work well here.

Slightly spicy & filling. And there's room to play around; think of all the things you could add to the filling!

You're invited to celebrate Blog Party's 3rd anniversary! Help make this a fantastic party, and bring your Blogger's Choice entries to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com no later than Thursday, 24 July. Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Vegetarian + Sandwiches + Indian + Wraps + Curry + Cookbooks + Tortillas + Potatoes + Peas

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