Someone's in the Kitchen with Alex: Blueberry Pancakes

Someone's in the Kitchen with Alex: Blueberry Pancakes

The other night, as we were getting ready to start cooking, Alex came running into the kitchen...carrying a cookbook...saying 'I know what I can have for dinner'.

When asked, he said 'we can mix up flour and things and then cook them and add blueberries'., you want to make blueberry pancakes? Sure, why not?

With the aid of Mollie Katzen's Pretend Soup, we measured, poured, and mixed up a very light batter. I took over for the 'hot' stuff while Alex counted out the appropriate number of berries.

He was, of course, quite tickled to be eating something he helped make.

And I? I had to smile. I was thinking how, at just 5, girls are already fighting over him. I mean, literally fighting over him. Friends in tears because they both like him.
Thinking he's good-looking, charming, kind, friendly, and oh yeah...he can cook.

I'm going to spend the next dozen or so years beating them off with a stick, aren't I?

You're invited to celebrate Blog Party's 3rd anniversary! Help make this a fantastic party, and bring your Blogger's Choice entries to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com no later than Thursday, 24 July. Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Vegetarian + Breakfast + Pancakes + Blueberries + Kids + Cookbooks + Mollie Katzen

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