Herbed Scrambled Egg, Spinach & Brie-Stuffed Croissants

Herbed Scrambled Egg, Spinach & Brie-Stuffed Croissants

I may never learn what it is about breakfast foods, exactly, that gives them such unending appeal.

Why something as simple as eggs & toast can make you feel complete. What it is about pancakes that provides such happiness.

Perhaps it's slated to be my very own Great Wonder; I suppose it doesn't really matter. What I do know is that if you're serving a breakfast-y dish, regardless of the time of day, you're likely to get a smile from me.

I came across a recipe for Croissants Stuffed with Herbed Scrambled Eggs, Spinach, Apples, and Brie. Three-quarters of it sounded good.

I'll go on record as saying that 1. I love fruit & B. I cannot eat cooked fruit.

I could clarify further by adding 'I do not like dishes with fruit in them'.

I will happily eat just about any fruit I can get my hands on, but texture issues dictate it not be folded, spindled or mutilated in any way. I like my fruit fresh & uncooked.

Alright; I will eat fruit in yogurt, and I adore blueberry muffins and bagels. But that's as far as I go.

So this recipe, from Vegetarian Sandwiches: Fresh Fillings for Slices, Pockets, Wraps and Rolls was almost perfect.

Skipping directions for the apple, eggs are lightly beaten, milk is added, and the whole thing beaten again.
Melt butter in a skillet, add eggs and allow it to set. While still moist, reduce heat and add cubes of Brie and herbs (called for chives, we used thyme), nutmeg, salt and pepper. Fold egg over add-ons; let Brie melt.
Top the bottom of a split croissant with baby spinach leaves & egg mix, cover with croissant top. Eat while hot.

It's good stuff. There's room to play around with the herbs, and of course you could use other cheeses. It's slightly messy, but still a beauty.

You're invited to celebrate Blog Party's 3rd anniversary! Help make this a fantastic party, and bring your Blogger's Choice entries to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com no later than Thursday, 24 July. Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Vegetarian + Sandwiches + Eggs + Brie + Croissants + Cookbooks + Thyme + Herbs + Breakfast

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