Retro Dinner: 'Chicken' Pot Pie Like No One's Mom Used to Make

Retro Dinner: 'Chicken' Pot Pie Like No One's Mom Used to Make

Another old-time dish, the Chicken Pot Pie.

My mom never made pot pies for us. I don't know if that was because she didn't like them, didn't know how to make them, or she didn't think they were healthy enough (this is a woman who weighs her food, people).

My grandparents would get frozen pies, and I loved them.

But then I gave up meat, and with the exception of Amys and Morningstar Farms, most companies don't produce meat-free or meat-substitute pot pies.

So it's safe to say 'it's been awhile' since I've eaten a pot pie.

But I recently thought of a way to make a vegetarian-friendly 'chicken' pot pie. And channeling Poppy Cannon (I'm having a hard time finding an on-line bio for her, but you may find this interesting), I got to work.

I thinly sliced a carrot, and tossed them rather unceremoniously into a frying pan of melted butter. I let them cook a bit, then dumped in frozen peas. When both veggies were soft, I poured them into a bowl containing condensed cream of potato soup with a bit of milk.

I then melted more butter in the pan, and added frozen diced potatoes and Quorn Recipe Tenders, and cooked till slightly brown.

They, too, were dumped into the bowl.

Mix everything together, and pour into a store-bought pie crust. Top with the remaining crust, and bake till browned.

In the end, I had a pretty tasty, and convenience food made, pot pie.

And what could be more Retro than that?

Blog Party #6 has been announced, and this month? We're going Retro! Click here for all the information, and remember: Blog Party entries are due this Thursday!

Tagged with
Food and Drink, Vegetarian, Retro, Blogging

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