Wartime Wednesdays: Manly Dinner

Wartime Wednesdays: Manly Dinner

Planked Steak

Amount of Meat to Buy for Each Person
Meat shrinks from one-third to one-half in cooking. Therefore allow one-fourth pound of meat without bone for each serving, and one-half pound of meat consisting of lean, fat and bone as a minimum for each serving.---The Victory Binding of the American Woman's Cook Book, Wartime Edition

Every now and then, I like to give Matt a nice 'manly' meal.

A cut of beef seared first on the stove then cooked in the oven, on an oiled cedar plank.

Scalloped Potatoes

Potatoes, sliced and layered in a baking dish. seasoned with salt & pepper and sprinkled with flour and bits of butter; repeat at least twice. add enough milk till it just shows among the potato slices. Cover, bake (350-400) till taters are tender, 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Remove cover the last fifteen minutes, to brown.

Spinach Salad

A basic salad. Spinach, hard-boiled eggs (the whites and yolks were supposed to be chopped separately, but I was pressed for time), and home-made French dressing.

I only had the potatoes and salad, both of which were good. The potatoes were as simple as they could be, but didn't survive long enough to become left-overs.

We're kicking off our fourth year of Blog Party by taking a look back at some of our favorite first-year themes. This month, we're revisiting a BP favorite, Retro Party!

We're doing a bit of time-travel, and bringing back some of the weird and wonderful dishes & drinks from the 20's through the late sixties. You won't want to miss it! R.S.V.P. no later than Thursday, 21 August. Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Wartime Wednesday + Steak + Potatoes + Salad + Spinach + Cookbooks + Retro

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