Wartime Wednesdays: Coffee Cake

Wartime Wednesdays: Coffee Cake

A sample menu for trying times. You know, war time, shortages...hmmm; maybe this is more timely than I thought!



Grapefruit Juice
Toast, Dried Fruit Jam
Milk, Coffee



Boston Baked Beans
Carrot Sticks
Brown Bread
Canned Plums



Beef Chuck Roast
Whipped Potatoes
Whole-wheat Bread
Buttered Beans
Tossed Greens Salad
Chocolate Pudding
Milk, Tea, or Coffee


The Victory Binding of the American Woman's Cook Book, Wartime Edition---1943

I'll be honest: I made this coffee cake months ago, but got so busy setting up BBM and getting into the swing of the new school year, I allowed Wartime Wednesdays to lapse.

So...I can't really say much about it. It was a breakfast cake, it got eaten.

A return to new WW dishes next week...

November brings a bit of the glitz & glamour to Blog Party, as we celebrate The Holiday Edition, 2.0, this month. RSVP no later than Thursday, 20 November...hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Wartime Wednesday + Breakfast + Cakes + Baking + Cookbooks + Retro

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