Retro Dessert: Just like somebody's mom used to make...

Retro Dessert: Just like somebody's mom used to make...

Since this month's Blog Party theme is Retro, I've found myself reaching for old-fashioned recipes.

A new book, a Christmas gift from my parents, The Way to a Man's Heart: Romantic Recipes for Every Occasion,

is a pretty good reference.

This cookbook is filled with "Darling...I'm home! What's for dinner?" recipes. Stick-to-the-ribs meals, snacks that in this day and age would constitute dinner, and fantastic desserts.

I've already sticky-tabbed thirty or so recipes, but for my first go?

Chocolate Chunk Brownies

Very interesting preparation. Butter and chocolate melted in a saucepan, remove from heat and add in sugar. Let it cool, beat in eggs, then mix in flour, vanilla and salt. Finally, blend in chopped pecans and chocolate chips. Pour into a pan, and bake till shiny...I swear, that was the in the directions.

Turns out, this is not Matt's favorite type of brownie. He's not crazy about nuts (which I knew). That said, he did like the cake-y rather than pudding-y texture.

I just think they look gorgeous.

Oh, don't worry. He'll eat them. No brownie waste in this house!

Blog Party #6 has been announced, and this month? We're going Retro! Click here for all the information, and remember: entries are due one week from today!

Tagged with
Food and Drink, Chocolate, Baking, Retro, Blogging

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