Retro Dessert: Layers of Caramel-y Goodness

Retro Dessert: Layers of Caramel-y Goodness

My first effort from the fabulous Retro Baking;

Caramel Cake

Retro Baking is published by Collector's Press, and is just one book in their wonderful 'retro' line (do check them out). Thanks to my recent acquisition of Retro Baking and Retro Pies, I know have almost all of them ( Retro Kids is next!).

I mean, how can you go wrong with a recipe that calls for 2 cups of caramel sauce to be added to the cake batter??

Although you can't tell from this picture...what with it being a rather light-colored food, and we all know my problems photographing such things...the cake is a gorgeous caramel color. A bit like a pound cake, but with more of a 'browned' flavor. The frosting...which also incorporates some of the caramel very sweet and definitely caramelized (there's 3 cups of powdered sugar in thar!).

I made the mistake of baking this on a TV-Block night. I had CSI and Without a Trace to watch! So, while I got the baking done in time, I had to wait to make the frosting, and assemble.

And by then, I was getting tired. I didn't take the time to level off the cake, which is why is sags a bit.

Oh,'s a cake for Matt and Alex. I'm not shooting for perfection here.

Blog Party #6 has been announced, and this month? We're going Retro! Click here for all the information, and hope to see you at the party!

Tagged with
Food and Drink, Blogging, Baking, Caramel, Cookbooks, Retro, Cake

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