Roast Chicken with Tarragon Juices

Roast Chicken with Tarragon Juices

Is making one meal just so you have the fixings for another the sign of a foodie, or a crazy person?

Or are the two synonymous?

I needed both roasted chicken, as well as the carcass, for an upcoming dinner. That meant I needed to roast a chicken.

I used a Nigel Slater recipe; tarragon and smooshed garlic are mixed with butter, then spread all over (inside and out) a whole chicken. The next step is to add a glass of wine, but...well, I'm fairly certain we have white wine some place in the house, but at the time I made this, I had no idea where. And even if I had, odds were it was too high up for me to I used water.

I also chucked in some peeled and cut potatoes, because...well, that doesn't really need an explanation, does it?

The bird is roasted at a fairly high heat for fifteen minutes, then the temperature is reduced for another forty or so. Chicken gets basted during the process.

Very crunchy skin, nice roast flavor, very moist. Subtle.

And the left-over chicken and carcass are waiting for stage two...

Blog Party#19 is under way, and this month, we're taking Comfort in our favorite feel-good foods. Turn your favorite comforting treats to appetizers by Thursday, 15 February (thehappysorceress at gmail dot com), and hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Chicken + Roasting + Potatoes + Tarragon + Nigel Slater

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