Tradition, Tradition!

Tradition, Tradition!

It's a no brainer: I like making food for Matt that he wants to eat. But sometimes, it's just not practical.

Wednesday night's dinner is a good example. A nice, big, chunk of beef? Not so good when he's the only one eating it.

But I wanted to make a 'traditional' meal, so we invited his parents to dinner.

Matt's review to follow.

Standing rib roast

This one was problematic. It was supposed to cook for 15-20 minutes per pound, shooting for an internal temperature of 145 degrees. It ended up cooking over a half-hour per pound. If it weren't for the fact that everything else cooks just fine in that oven, we'd think there was something wrong with the thermostat. But despite the long cooking time, it was tasty.

Roasted potatoes

Potatoes cut into large chunks, boiled briefly, then roasted for a long time with olive oil and herbs. It's almost impossible to do these wrong, and we didn't.

Buttermilk biscuits

These are biscuits like they have in food porn: tall, delicate, and flaky. We'll be having them again.

And a disintegrating apple pie

Assorted apples, a little sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg.

Blog Party#7 has been announced, and this month? It's all about Red and Hot! Your cocktail and appetizer entries are due in less than two weeks, 16 February; so start planning, and hope to see you at the party!

Tagged with: Food and Drink, Blog Party, Dinner, Potatoes, Family, Pie, Beef, Blogging

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