The Best $17.60 He Ever Spent

The Best $17.60 He Ever Spent

Even though Matt is a carnivore, he doesn't actually consume a lot of meat. The majority of the animal-based foods he eats are chicken. Some sausage here and there, maybe, and occasionally, smoked salmon.

It's something that just happened; neither of us made a conscious effort to limit his meat-intake, but it seems to have worked out that way.

Matt will happily eat any number of meatless dishes I make, and of course, he's perfectly content with a bowl of pasta.

But I know he loves beef. That's not going to change, nor am I likely to force the issue.

(Of course, should he decide to become a vegetarian? Well, after I die of shock and am raised from the dead, I'm sure I'd be quite pleased.)

So when I'm putting together the weekly menu, I will occasionally add a beef-heavy recipe, just for him.

Peppercorn Beef with Gorgonzola Cheese

Using a couple of organic and high-quality tenderloin steaks, this is quickly and simply prepared.

Steaks are generously salted and peppered, and placed into a vegetable-oil coated hot frying pan, about four minutes a side, till browned. They're then cooked in an already-heated oven till the proper temperature is reached.

While cooking, balsamic vinegar and sugar are cooked down to a syrup.

Top the steaks with slices of Gorgonzola, and cook long enough to melt the cheese. Drizzle with the balsamic sauce.

To go with, I roasted new potatoes in vegetable bouillon with salt, pepper and red pepper flakes.

Matt loved this. I mean, lovedlovedloved it.

He kept saying 'this is sooo good', and I even got a kiss!

I'm starting to think he liked it...

Blog Party#10 has been announced, and this month we're having a Garden Party! Cute little sandwiches, and that perfect cup of tea...won't you join us? Entries are due 18 May, just two weeks from today...can't wait to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Beef + Tenderloin + Gorgonzola + Balsamic Vinegar + + Dinner + Recipes

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