Retro Dinner: Chateaubriand with Bearnaise Sauce, Herbed Roasted Potatoes, and Popovers

Retro Dinner: Chateaubriand with Bearnaise Sauce, Herbed Roasted Potatoes, and Popovers

Saturday night, another retro meal for Matt. Once again using this book (and I getting my mom's money's worth), I served up organic beef tenderloin, cooked the way Matt likes it (rare), with a rich, creamy, sauce. Matt said it was a nice accent for the steak, although given the quality of the meat, almost not necessary.

To go with, red-skinned potatoes which were quartered, tossed with melted butter and thyme, rosemary and oregano. They were roasted at a high temperature till soft and almost sweet...just perfect.

And because Matt loves them, and it seemed the perfect accompaniment to the steak, I made popovers from a 1955 Gold Medal Jubilee recipe booklet. They puffed up beautifully, were crunchy on the outside and a delicate web of layers inside; soft and chewy. Yum.

Tagged with
Food and Drink, Retro, Dinner, Steak, Organic, Cookbooks, Blogging

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