Where There's Smoke...

Where There's Smoke...

there's a pretty happy guy, knife & fork in hand.

Sticking to my pledge to actually make more of the recipes from the half-dozen or so cooking magazines I get, Matt fired up the grill for this Wood-Smoked Tri-Tip with Sicillian Herb Sauce (Bon Appetit, July '07).

The beef is generously salted & peppered, left to sit a bit, then grilled over wood chips. When target temperature is reached, take it off, let it rest, slice thinly. Thyme, garlic, oregano and salt are processed with lemon juice & olive oil, and poured over the slices.

We added some par-boiled potatoes to the grill, creating the most seductively smoky starch-based food I've ever tasted. I see smoked potato salad in our future...

Blog Party#23 is here...and it's out of this world! This June, turn your favorite appetizers and cocktails into Sci-Fi treats. Entries are due THIS Thursday, 28 June (thehappysorceress at gmail dot com)...hope to see you there!

Blogging by Mail sign-ups are going on now! The latest round of goody-swapping is all about My Favorite Things. You have till 5 July to join the fun...

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Grilling + Beef + Herbs + Recipest + Potatoes + Bon Appetit

- Minted White Gazpacho
Another recipe from Vegetarian Times; an incredibly easy gazpacho. Their instructions are to put everything in the blender. Our blender is a piece of crap. I use the food processor, instead. White sandwich bread, crusts removed, soaked in water, drained....

- Grilled Panini With Smoked Provolone & Basil
Yet another cooking mag recipe; this one coming from the latest issue of Vegetarian Times. Nice, country-style rolls (ours were a surprise find at Ingles, of all places), split and spread with a mixture of mayonnaise and chopped basil. This is toppped...

- Something For The Fall-out Shelter
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- Ways To Make Me Happy
I completely support Matt in his job, and when he needs to take the odd business trip, I think it's great. I don't enjoy staying home and playing full-time parent for four days, but I survive. And when he sends me two dozen organic (purple!)...

- Memorial Day Eats
Of course, there was food. Pictured above. Not pictured, the most amazing mint iced tea ever. We just used huge handfuls from the garden. Mmmm... Blog Party#23 is here...and it's out of this world! This June, turn your favorite appetizers and...

