

I've been tagged, by Natashya of Living in the Kitchen with Puppies.

As you may know, I'm not big on tagging but feel free to play along...

Tag Rules:
# Link to the person who tagged you.
# Post the rules on the blog.
# Write six random things about yourself.
# Tag six people at the end of your post.
# Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
# Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

So...six random things about me.

1. My bookshelves are also home to Bruce Timm-verse Justice League action figures.

2. I've stopped painting out the silver in my hair.

3. I'm distantly related to a Nazi war criminal. In my defense, my family had been in the States for (at least) decades before the war broke out.

4. I'm probably the only food blogger I know who didn't like Like Water for Chocolate.

5. I've never attended a high school reunion.

6. Kermit & Rowlf are my favorite Muppets.

You're invited to celebrate Blog Party's 3rd anniversary! Help make this a fantastic party, and bring your Blogger's Choice entries to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com no later than Thursday, 24 July. Hope to see you there!

- Someone's In The Kitchen With Alex: Blueberry Pancakes
The other night, as we were getting ready to start cooking, Alex came running into the kitchen...carrying a cookbook...saying 'I know what I can have for dinner'. When asked, he said 'we can mix up flour and things and then cook them and...

- Layered Tortilla Casserole With Guacamole
This gloppy mess was good, took little time to make, and was practically a deconstructed chillaquiles. Getting a helping hand from store-bought items, this comes together in no time. Tortillas in a baking dish, topped with a mixture of refried (vegetarian)...

- Super-simple Soup
This is so easy. It's almost ridiculous how simple this soup is. And yet, for so little effort, you get an amazing dish. Another recipe from Quick-Fix Vegetarian, this Chickpea & Tomato Soup with Ditalini had us saying, repeatedly, 'this is so...

- "dosadilla"
Sometimes, you wonder why you didn't come up with what seems like a perfectly obvious idea. Like this Potato Dosadilla; a recipe from Robin Robertson's Quick-Fix Vegetarian. Absurdly simple; cook minced onion in oil till soft, add mashed potatoes,...

- Double-meme'd
Both Cyndi and Kevin have tagged me; so here you go! Meme x 4 Four Jobs You’ve Had in Your Life 1. Radio Personality 2. Sorting cardboard at a pallet factory 3. Cafe worker at a Christian resort 4. House painter (indoors) Four Movies You Could Watch...

