

Both Cyndi and Kevin have tagged me; so here you go!

Meme x 4

Four Jobs You’ve Had in Your Life

1. Radio Personality
2. Sorting cardboard at a pallet factory
3. Cafe worker at a Christian resort
4. House painter (indoors)

Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over

1. The Philadelphia Story
2. White Christmas
3. The Lord of the Rings trilogy (see? I'm counting it as one)
4. Dazed and Confused

Four Places You’ve Lived

1. St. Marys, Pennsylvania
2. Oakland, California
3. Knoxville, Tennessee
4. Cedarville, Ohio

Four Websites You Visit Daily

1. Pop Culture Junk Mail
2. TV Guide online
4. Daily Puppy Break

Four TV Shows You Love to Watch

1. Alias
2. Law & Order: CI
3. Battlestar Galactica
4. Cold Case

Four of Your Favorite Foods

1. Sushi
2. Bagels
3. Potato Soup
4. Raspberries

Four Albums You Can’t Live Without

1. Jackson Browne-Jackson Browne
2. Purge-Bif Naked
3. Rumors-Fleetwood Mac
4. Les Brown & His Band of Renown - Best of The Capitol Years

Four Places You’d Rather Be
1. Anywhere in Ireland
2. The Bay Area
3. Coast of Italy
4. Scotland

Four People Who Are Now Obligated to Do This to Their Blog
I always skip this part...feel free to play along

Ten Weird and Random Facts About Myself

1) I can pick up small objects with my toes.

2) I'm distantly related to a Nazi war criminal (Albert Speer).

3) During my teenage years, I lived next to a cemetery.

4) I'm descended from three-generations of Avon ladies

5) I met my husband through an on-line dating service...during a free, one-week, trial!

6) I own Gourmet magazines going back to 1941.

7) My grandfather gave me a high German, so I can barely make out every fifth word...that he took off a captured German officer.

8) I've sat in the Pirates' broadcast booth.

9) My first boyfriend was the same age as my Mom.

10) Baseball player Jose Guillen hit on me. Twice.

Blog Party #6 has been announced, and this month? We're going Retro! Click here for all the information, and remember: Blog Party is less than one week away---get those entries in soon!

Tagged with
Food and Drink, Memes, Blogging

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