Oh, We're Off on the Road to St. Marys...

Oh, We're Off on the Road to St. Marys...

(Isn't that the saddest sight? An empty refrigerator!)

Why so bare?

We're off on the road to St. Marys
This seat is tough on the spine (hit me with a band-aid, Dad)
Where they're goin', why we're goin', how can we be sure
I'll lay you eight to five that we'll meet Erin-go-blog (yeah, get in

By the time you read this, odds are I'm in the car and headed North.

Ok, I'm probably be driving East for a bit, but our final destination is most definitely North.

Matt, Alex and I are on 'vacation', if you can call it that. We're going back to my hometown, a small city (just over 14,000 population) in Northwestern Pennsylvania.

It's a looong drive, made even longer by the fact(s) that neither of like to drive, and we are chauffeuring a three year old. Two days up, two days back.

I'm making this trip back to a town that holds...well, something close to nothing for me, primarily to see my two remaining grandparents. Both are 'getting up there', and both suffer some health problem or another.

I don't like going 'home', because it never felt like that way. Home.

I was happy to leave it, although I did miss my grandparents something awful.

It's been two years since I was home, and it's quite possible it'll be my last trip North.

I have no idea if or when I'll be able to post: my Grammy still has a rotary phone(!), but my parent's do have a high-speed connection. Whether I'll be able to upload photos remains to be seen.

And truthfully, there's not a whole lot going on up there. Very few restaurants, and certainly none of mention. Grocery stores are lacking in just about all categories (a BiLo and a Super Wal-Mart, plus a few family-run places).

Matt and I will be cooking (we're staying with Grammy), but even that's bound to be simple fare.

So...I suppose you'll just have to pop in every now and then, to see if I've been up to anything!

We'll be back in Knoxville next Wednesday, but I will be checking both my blog and email, so go ahead and get those Blog Party entries in...don't forget, this is our one-year anniversary! And entries are due next Thursday...

I guess I'll see you when I see you...

Blog Party #12 has been announced, and we're celebrating a full year of appetizers and cocktails with a Passport Party. For July, we're traveling to our favorite places by way of the kitchen, with bites and drinks from our favorite countries. Entries are due Thursday, 20 July--early is always good--and I'll post the round-up 22 July. Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food & Drink + Trips + Vacations + Traveling + Family

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