Pardon Our Dust

Pardon Our Dust

I've been inspired by recent posts at Food Blog S'Cool to upgrade my template. While I'm doing some of the work in a staging area, I'm also moving some to OWF proper so that I can see it every day and make tweaks as things annoy me.

So, sorry in advance if things shift about a little. The result will be a better, stronger OWF, I promise!

- Japan Or Bust!
I'm heading off to Japan for a two week vacation. I will try to post while I'm gone, but no promises! In the meantime, feel free to check out my posts, there are many of them in the queue over at the Epicurious blog, Epi Log, and posts from...

- Pardon Me, Turkeys
Want a safe topic for the family’s Thanksgiving dinner chatter? Snopes tracked down the history of the presidential pardon for turkeys. Who was the first president to issue a pardon for birds headed to the slaughterhouse? It may not be who you think. And...

- New Feature - Favorite Posts
I added a new feature to OWF. It's a list of "Favorite Posts," my (and often your) most beloved posts here on this site. I'll update it every so often, adding new posts or editing ones that are already in there (Recent Dinner Party will always...

- Something Looks Different. Maybe Your Hair?
Well, it looks like Blogger's been hard at work making new templates. So as part of my efforts to make the site look halfway decent despite my poor design skills, I chose a new template. Let me know what you think, things that are missing now, and...

- Ta-dah!
New lay-out! That's why I haven't been posting so much lately, I've spend hours and hours trying to make this one - do you realize just how much time one can spend doing this?!?! I know Ana must - and Jennifer - there's a lot of people...

