Something Looks Different. Maybe your hair?

Something Looks Different. Maybe your hair?

Well, it looks like Blogger's been hard at work making new templates. So as part of my efforts to make the site look halfway decent despite my poor design skills, I chose a new template. Let me know what you think, things that are missing now, and all of that.

Last night Lee and I had dinner at Plumpjack Cafe. It was so amazingly wonderful that I couldn't help but sneak into the kitchen to congratulate the chef on his achievement. We came home and I immediately wrote my review which will run on SF Station...

- Blog Job Opening
Sam over at Becks & Posh keeps a really wonderful list of links to other Bay Area food and drink blogs on her site. Which in turn is how I discovered Molly's blog called Spicetart and this painfully familiar headline: I have to quit my job....

- Imbb Finds A Home
Is My Blog Burning (IMBB) has become such an integral part of the food blogging community that it's hard to believe it's not even a year old. Ron of loveSicily decided that it was time for a web site devoted to IMBB happenings and other food blogging...

- Pardon Our Dust
I've been inspired by recent posts at Food Blog S'Cool to upgrade my template. While I'm doing some of the work in a staging area, I'm also moving some to OWF proper so that I can see it every day and make tweaks as things annoy me. So,...

- Le Glossary
My glossary was one of the casualties of the site redesign. It wasn't erased entirely, however, and I've ported it over to the new design. I didn't make any content changes from the last time it existed, but now I have incentive to keep it...

