Blog Job Opening

Blog Job Opening

Sam over at Becks & Posh keeps a really wonderful list of links to other Bay Area food and drink blogs on her site. Which in turn is how I discovered Molly's blog called Spicetart and this painfully familiar headline:

I have to quit my job.
How is it possible to work AND blog?

Well Molly, perhaps you should answer this ad...

Food Blog Editor & Publisher (anywhere)
Reply to: [email protected]
Date: 2005-01-21, 7:34 AM PST

Are you obsessed with food and constantly focused on your next meal? This could be the job for you! Work from anywhere, internet access required (DSL or T1 connection recommended). No prior experience necessary.

Primary responsibility:
Must detail in writing and photographs, all food adventures including cooking, shopping, and dining out.

Excellent writing skills
Highly opinionated
Ability to prevent others from eating while hovering with digital camera
Energy and enthusiasm
Willingness to work nights and weekends
Fretting over traffic or site design, optional

This is a full time position. We have an excellent benefits package (review copies of cookbooks, occasional bottles of wine, meals and chocolate tastings) and a flexible work environment. Salary is competitive for fictitious postings, but less than comparable for a salary in a real job.

Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
Please, no phone calls about this job!
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
Reposting this message elsewhere is OK.

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