Blog Resources

Blog Resources

I am blessed in that I always seem to have something to write about. Writing really does come easily to me most of the time. But I have to admit, I'm so excited at the prospect of going to the famed French Laundry tomorrow, that I'm actually a bit stymied. Rather than my usual ramblings about food today I turn to the topic of blogs.

It used to be that when I mentioned I have a blog, people had no idea what I was talking about. As it is now, people tell me they have heard of blogs but still aren't sure what they are. It's kind of like the early days of the internet in some ways. Blogging has been around for a while, but not everyone has caught on yet. And like the early days of the internet, finding "good" sites is not always easy.

Time magazine has just written an article on blogging and also a piece on "how to find your kind of blog". They point out several of the better directories.

If you have a hard time keeping track of all the food sites you like to visit or are interested in finding more interesting ones, there are a few solutions:

1.Food Bloggers is a web ring that I checked out when I first began blogging. There are currently 96 listed food blogs in this ring, including this one. You can read a short description of each and check them out by visiting the "list of sites" page.

2. Kinja lets you choose the topic you are interested in and browse thumbnails of multiple sites in one of twelve different categories, including food, of course! It's a great way to discover new blogs and to enjoy a little bit of a bunch of good ones.

3. Food Porn Watch is a site that provides an hourly update of which food blogs have new posts. Because not every food blog updates every day or even every other day this is a good way to catch up with what's new.

Have a great weekend and Father's Day and stay tuned for a detailed review of the French Laundry, coming soon!

- Blog Day 2006
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- Happy Blog Day!
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- On The Road Again
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- Hot!
It's official, food blogs are hot stuff. The latest article to feature Cooking with Amy and a recipe to boot, is in my hometown paper, the San Francisco Chronicle. A big thanks to Chronicle food writer Amanda Berne for such a great article profiling...

- Network Neutrality
Food bloggers around the Internet are staging a protest today against the Communications Opportunity, Promotion and Enhancement Act of 2006, a US bill backed by telecom and cable companies that could eliminate so-called Net Neutrality. Under the new...

