Le Glossary

Le Glossary

My glossary was one of the casualties of the site redesign. It wasn't erased entirely, however, and I've ported it over to the new design. I didn't make any content changes from the last time it existed, but now I have incentive to keep it up to date. I did make it stylistically consistent with the main part of the site.

Though you can get to it from the link on the side (just above "These Are a Few of my Favorite Links"), I set it up so that I can just link terms to it directly, as before. Try it now: mirepoix, aspic, and 1855 classification.

- Conversion Limbo
This conversion from Blogger to WordPress isn't going very well. The main problem at this point is that Blogger's export of posts cuts off after about 3 megs, or about one-eighth of my content. Meanwhile, Google has taken away my ability to post...

- In Search Of Real Food? Skip Yahoo
The other day, I got a press release that serves as a case study in trying to trick potential customers. Hellmann's (or Best Foods for those on this side of the country) has partnered with Yahoo! Food in a campaign they call The Search For Real Food. Hellmann's....

- Update To Food Blogroll
I have finally updated my "blogroll," the list of links down the side of the page. I gave up on ever keeping it up to date, and then I discovered that my RSS reader can generate a blogroll for me. The new entries (just my food folder) don't have my...

- Where Do You Find Marshall's Honey
When sending out a link to my write-up of our tour to Marshall's Honey, I realized I forgot the most important thing: where to buy these honeys. In addition to buying directly from their web site (which they say has shopping capability as of two weeks...

- I. Just. Got. Spammed.
I was so hoping this wouldn't become necesary, but on the other hand had a feeling that with the new and fabulous commenting field, it might prove a problem along the way. It was only one, little comment spam, I'm not even sure it was a real spam...

