I. just. got. spammed.

I. just. got. spammed.

I was so hoping this wouldn't become necesary, but on the other hand had a feeling that with the new and fabulous commenting field, it might prove a problem along the way. It was only one, little comment spam, I'm not even sure it was a real spam - but it was enough to p*** me off and think: YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY WITH IT! So here goes, all of you nice people out there will have seen this in some shape or form before - and for you, mean spammer - you probably have too, but I'm DEAD serious! I will not tolerate you! Therefore:

1. Any advertisment to be posted to this site, must be approved by me in advance, by writing me an e-mail with the contents of your proposed ad. The address can be found on the main page.

2. You may post the comment, endorsing your product/site/service, but I will charge you a fee of $1000 per individual comment.

3. The comment will remain on this site for no longer than 10 minutes, after which it will be deleted.

4. Payment is due one day after you've left your comment. The amount will be donated to Médecins sans Frontières, and I'm pretty sure they'll help me collect it. Otherwise my attourney-family will.

PS: Any links from fellow, not-for-profit bloggers are of course welcome. I think you know who you are, so just link away. If in doubt at all, e-mail me first.

- Editorial & Advertising Policies
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