Ideas in Food

Ideas in Food

I've been reading Ideas in Food ever since Alexander left a comment on my slow-roasted salmon post. It's written by two professional chefs (Alexander and Aki) in charge of the kitchen at a Colorado resort. The platings are mouth-watering temptations I could never achieve, but their site is more than pretty pictures. The two chefs use the site to share their philosophies and explore new taste combinations. Their posts often give me something to ruminate over (so to speak). Case in point: banana vinaigrette made with bacon grease and paired with scallops . The combination of flavors sounds odd at first, but with some thought it made sense to me. Now if I could just find an excuse to be in rural southern Colorado at some point...

Technorati tags: food & drink | blogs.

- Reminder: Wine Blogging Wednesday
Have you unearthed a bottle with a pretty label yet? You know, for Wine Blogging Wednesday 16? No? Don't worry. You've still got a week. Find a bottle with a pretty label, open it, taste it, write about it on December 7, send me a link to your...

- Sfist: An Ace Of Pears
Photo by melissa nicole. Hey, look at that! This Tuesday thing feels like it happens every week. Check out my pear post on SFist. Technorati tags: food & drink | pears | sfist...

- Peppers Part 2 On Sfist
Photo by Melissa. Some of you know I have a wimpy palate when it comes to spicy food. So this week's SFist post on chili peppers was more challenging than most. But I'd make this Chili Pepper Banana Bread again, even if I'd have to nibble...

- Opening Bottles On Wine Review Online
I've mentioned before that Wine Review Online is open to unusual wine story ideas. See my article on bottles as proof (added to my "Professional Writing" section on the right if you want to look later). Once I started to research this piece, I was...

- Crayfish On Sfist
Originally uploaded by melissa nicole. I'll be writing about the fruits de mer platter in more depth later this week (we had a dinner party! yippee!), but you can get some foreshadowing by reading my SFist post about crayfish. It's a longer-than-normal...

