Reminder: Wine Blogging Wednesday

Reminder: Wine Blogging Wednesday

Have you unearthed a bottle with a pretty label yet? You know, for Wine Blogging Wednesday 16?

No? Don't worry. You've still got a week. Find a bottle with a pretty label, open it, taste it, write about it on December 7, send me a link to your post (or send me your write-up and photos if you don't have a blog). Tell us what you thought of the wine; tell us what you thought of the label. A few days later, I'll share everyone's finds.

A couple of my readers suggested some enhancements for this round. For those of you who are Flickr users, you can post photos of all those gorgeous labels in the Wine Blogging Wednesday 16 Flickr pool (thanks Joe & Lori).

Flickr users and regular bloggers alike should add a wbw16 tag to your photos and your post, if you can (thanks Sam).

Technorati tags: food & drink |  wine blogging wednesday | wbw | wbw 16 | wine

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