

Food Blogger land is hopping…

IMBB7 has been announced.  Jarrett (aka redbeard) of Life in Flow and Food Porn Watch will be hosting and the theme is “You’re Just the Cutest Little Dumpling!”  The date is August 22nd.  Check out Jarrett’s post for all the details.

Lenn of LennDevours has proposed another cooperative food blogging event.  It is “World Wide Wine Blogging Wednesday” and the inaugural WWWBW is September 1st.  The idea is that you purchase a bottle of wine within specified parameters (this time it is a Merlot from a new world country priced under 15 US dollars), drink it (with food and friends, preferably), and blog about it.

And last, but certainly not least – today is Clotilde’s 25th birthday.  Happy birthday Clotilde!!

- Anticipation
Guess where I’m going next April?  Actually, our dates aren’t firmed up yet, but the plan is that Bob, Chuck and I will be going to Sicily next spring.  Bob and Chuck, knowing that I love the anticipation of a trip almost as much as...

- Wine Blogging Wednesday 16: Judge A Bottle By Its Cover
We've all done it. We've stood in front of a wall of wine at the store and, unable to utter the incantation of producer and vintage and Parker/Laube pronouncements that will summon a magical bottle, we have chosen one solely for its pretty label. Wineries...

- The Rebirth Of Zocalo
Photo by melissa nicole. My dear friend Tim Holmes recently reopened Zocalo Coffeehouse in San Leandro after a four-month renovation (see my description of the original here). The results (according to Melissa, who went to the reopening festivities)...

- Wtn: 1999 Vintage Port, Smith Woodhouse
How do you pair wine and food? This was Clotilde's unspoken question when she announced her theme for Wine Blogging Wednesday, the monthly tasting group that meets across the blogs of the world. Pair some wine with a dense chocolate cake, she said....

- Upcoming Heritage Foods Dinner At Chez Panisse
For Bay Areans: Chez Panisse will be hosting a Heritage Foods dinner on September 21. Though Max has pointed out the irony of shipping food across the country to a restaurant that gives lip service to local ingredients, the equivalent meal in June was...

