

Guess where I’m going next April?  Actually, our dates aren’t firmed up yet, but the plan is that Bob, Chuck and I will be going to Sicily next spring.  Bob and Chuck, knowing that I love the anticipation of a trip almost as much as the trip itself, gave me this assortment of travel guides for my birthday.

I haven’t really begun to digest the books in a systematic way yet, but I have been flipping through them reading here and there.  Of course, one of the topics I’m on the lookout for is food!  I want to know which specialties I should be sure to try while I’m in Sicily and what food products I should try to bring home.

I will once again make a feeble attempt to learn Italian, and will seek out Sicilian recipes to try.  What fun lies ahead – let the anticipation begin!

- In A Pickle
I bought too many cucumbers last week.  They were so beautiful and there was such a good deal if you bought three pounds.  So I bought three pounds and managed to lug them home, but didn’t quite get around to eating them all.  ...

- Growing To Like Rhubarb
Rhubarb conserve   When I was little, we had a rhubarb plant in our yard and my Mom would frequently prepare some sort of rhubarb sauce or compote.  It was the only dessert I didn’t like and it seemed unfair to me at the time that rhubarb...

- A Bowlful Of Summer
  As of yesterday, I still had two ears of corn in the refrigerator from last Sunday’s farmers market.  I know, I know... corn should be cooked immediately, lest the sugar start turning to starch.  Seems that corn is so sweet these...

- Melons On Sfist

- Crayfish On Sfist
Originally uploaded by melissa nicole. I'll be writing about the fruits de mer platter in more depth later this week (we had a dinner party! yippee!), but you can get some foreshadowing by reading my SFist post about crayfish. It's a longer-than-normal...

