A Bowlful of Summer

A Bowlful of Summer

As of yesterday, I still had two ears of corn in the refrigerator from last Sunday’s farmers market.  I know, I know... corn should be cooked immediately, lest the sugar start turning to starch.  Seems that corn is so sweet these days, though, that a couple days in the fridge makes little difference – at least not that I can tell.
Anyway, it was on my mind that I should use the corn soon.  I thought about roasting it – which I’ve never done before – but really didn’t feel like firing up the grill.  When I got home last night I happened to notice an article on corn in last week’s food section.  It suggested that the best way to roast corn is in the oven.  You cut the kernels off the cob, mix the corn with just a little bit of olive oil, spread it on a baking sheet, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and roast in a 475° F preheated oven for 5 to 7 minutes, until the corn is slightly browned.  That sounded easy enough, so I gave it a try.
While the corn was cooking, I chopped up a tomato into ½” dice, thinly sliced a few leaves of basil from my garden, and then combined the tomato and basil with a little olive oil, salt and pepper.  When the corn was done, I stirred it in and that was it!
The salad was delicious – not because of anything I did, but because the ingredients were so good to start with.  When you’ve got a great tasting tomato, sweet corn and basil all in one bowl, how can you go wrong?

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