The Rebirth of Zocalo

The Rebirth of Zocalo

Photo by melissa nicole.

My dear friend Tim Holmes recently reopened Zocalo Coffeehouse in San Leandro after a four-month renovation (see my description of the original here). The results (according to Melissa, who went to the reopening festivities) are spectacular. Zocalo is an integral part of the community. Families and friends come by to hear about neighborhood happenings and talk about every topic, and Tim strives to use local providers when possible. Coincidentally, my editor at Edible East Bay wrote an article about the Zocalo community for the inaugural issue of that magazine.

But according to Melissa, the coffee is also damn good (I don't drink coffee, but Melissa is finicky about it). Tim's wife does the roasting on the premises, and she's extremely detail oriented. If you live in the Bay Area, especially the East Bay, swing by Zocalo and check it out. I'm sure you'll like it. And if you see Tim or Mitch (his wife), tell them Derrick sent you.

Technorati tags: food & drink | East Bay | coffee | San Leandro

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