Opening Bottles on Wine Review Online

Opening Bottles on Wine Review Online

I've mentioned before that Wine Review Online is open to unusual wine story ideas. See my article on bottles as proof (added to my "Professional Writing" section on the right if you want to look later). Once I started to research this piece, I was fascinated (and daunted) by the size of what I had assumed would be a small topic. It's a subject I'll continue to explore. For the article, I give a little bit of bottle history and then talk about how some wineries incorporate bottle shapes into their brands. (I should note that I wanted to title it "Message in a Bottle," but that title in an online magazine would be too similar to a friend's column in another online magazine.)

Not only is WRO open to off-the-beaten-path stories, they are also welcoming of "new voices," which is to say writers without long lists of clips and the personal email addresses of every major wine magazine editor. If you have a story you'd like to pitch, send it to Michael Franz at

Technorati tags: food & drink | wine |  bottles

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