Wine Review Online

Wine Review Online

A couple months ago, Michael Franz, the wine writer for the Washington Post (among many other things), sent out a call for submissions to Wine Review Online, a new publication he's helming. The first issue is now officially up.

Though Michael's assembled a kick-ass crew of established wine writers, he's made it clear that this new publication doesn't intend to stay the course of monotonous wine magazines. He pointedly says the site will feature "new voices," which is refreshing on its own. Most magazines only work with a well-known stable of writers, and you need a stroke of luck to breach their walls. He's also willing to consider unusual pieces that might not fit into the predictable ennui of most editorial calendars (trust me on this one). Finally, he's at least not condescending about blogging, a notable departure from most of his mainstream media peers.

You've seen many bloggers bemoan the state of modern wine writing. Hopefully Michael and his team will set examples for other writers, but if they don't, you should. Send queries via e-mail to Good luck!

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