Un-New Year's Resolutions

Un-New Year's Resolutions

I don't make New Year's resolutions. I always figure that I'm reasonably good about making changes at other points of the year, so why make a point of it on January 1?

But this year the changes I want to make happened to take place around year end, so I guess you could label them as New Year's resolutions.

A lot of those changes involve this site. Since this site is part of my food and wine writing portfolio at this point (which oddly I'm only focusing on now that I have articles either actually or soon to be in print), I think it needs some sprucing up.

I'd like to invite you, my readers, to let me know what things you'd like to see. Use the e-mail link at the top of the page. Here are my initial plans, roughly in the order I'm going to focus on them:

Anyway, let me know what you think, or what other ideas you have.

- Wine Blogs At The Wine Writers Symposium
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- Wanted: Growers & Grocers Writers
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- Owf In 2006
Photo by Melissa Schneider. I don't make New Year's resolutions. Instead, I set myself goals and try to meet them. Since I don't write these down, I tend to forget them, so that by the end of the year I only remember the ones I achieved. It's...

- Something Looks Different. Maybe Your Hair?
Well, it looks like Blogger's been hard at work making new templates. So as part of my efforts to make the site look halfway decent despite my poor design skills, I chose a new template. Let me know what you think, things that are missing now, and...

- Syndication
Another administrative note. I promise to get back to food writing soon. Like in the next day or two. Anyway, I've set up a syndication feed for this site. Point your favorite aggregrator software to http:/www.obsessionwithfood.com/site-feed.rss. Don't...

