

New lay-out! That's why I haven't been posting so much lately, I've spend hours and hours trying to make this one - do you realize just how much time one can spend doing this?!?! I know Ana must - and Jennifer - there's a lot of people jazzing up their blogs at the moment and I'm sooo tagging along! Maybe I have too much time, hmmm...

Anyways, it's not quiet done yet, there are still some smaller tweaks, but I've gotten to the point where I need some feed-back - so hit me, hit me hard!;-) And oh yea, are there are any PhotoShop wizards out there that have ANY idea how I might get the banner picture to look like this:

- all gauzy?. This I've done using some CSS-magic, but I can't seem to put it into my template without messing it up! I'll send you weird Danish candy for the answer! (Oh, and if you do know, holla at me at my e-mail - this is a food-blog afterall, not a CSS-nerdy blog?8-))

The original looks like this:

just in case you was wondering...

- Blogging By Mail Package...is Here!!
I'm not a bad person, really I'm not. I meant to post about my divine Blogging by Mail package from Eva a few days ago. But...there was the bake sale, a sick child, Blog Party...and even a few hours of sleep! So, the post had to wait. Until...

- Pardon Our Dust
I've been inspired by recent posts at Food Blog S'Cool to upgrade my template. While I'm doing some of the work in a staging area, I'm also moving some to OWF proper so that I can see it every day and make tweaks as things annoy me. So,...

- Return Of A Blogger
I have now safely returned from the German highways - I managed to get the car to 190 km/hour at one point - boy that was FAST!!:o)! Saw two amazing - and stylistically very different - instructions of Wagner operas (Tristan & Isolde and Lohengrin) in...

- [dansk] - A Definition
My definition. You might have noticed the small bracket-enclosed word I had on one of my last posts. It is one I hope to use quite a lot in the time coming. It simply means, in case you hadn't figured that out already, Danish. Here's the deal...

- Wow! So That's How You Do It!
I've wanted to do this for a while - start my own blog. Not quite sure I know excactly how one does this - or even why one does it... But here goes! Me - I'm Zarah. I'm Danish, live in Denmark, to be more exact in Copenhagen, the capital....

