Not Dead Yet

Not Dead Yet

I've just been completely overwhelmed with party prep.

Our annual Two-Days-After-Thanksgiving dinner is tomorrow, combined (this year) with Matt's milestone birthday. It's full-scale house cleaning, massive amounts of shopping, endless hours in the kitchen...and so on.

But to assure you I'm still here, I thought I'd share something fun for Friday.

The following video is for a song Matt is rather fond of, and that I, as a former Top 40 dj, think is just too darn funny.

See, I was there during the explosion of Pop Princesses and Boy Bands. Britney, Christina, Mandy & Jessica. 'N Sync, Backstreet, 98 degrees. They were everywhere, dominating Top 40.

They also made my head hurt.

So, for your amusement, and perhaps as a break in your insane shopping day, I give you 'Title of the Song'. Enjoy.

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