Pasta with Sausage, Basil and Mustard

Pasta with Sausage, Basil and Mustard

Is it just me, or are we eating a lot of pasta lately??

Thursday, I was five inches past exhausted. After he came home from work, Matt took Alex out to do some grocery shopping, and I went to bed. Just one of those days.

Just more proof of what a good man I married: I woke up to Matt announcing he'd made dinner.

Penne with Italian Sausage, Basil and Mustard. Uh...yum.

Just the slightest hint of a sauce...more of a flavoring, really. But nicely mustard-y, and a bit hot. That would be the crushed red pepper!

But honestly? Skip the basil. It's completely unnecessary.

Matt's a serious basil-addict, and even he said the dish would have been better without it. It couldn't compete with the mustard and the red pepper.

Still, pretty darn good. And as I didn't have to make it? Even better!

Blog Party #6 has been announced, and this month? We're going Retro! Click here for all the information, and remember: Blog Party is one week from tomorrow!

Tagged with
Food and Drink, Pasta, Blogging

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