

This is one of those perfect recipes. Taking mere minutes to prepare, and leaving you completely satisfied.

Chopped prosciutto (or veggie bacon) cooked in olive oil for just a minute. Add a bit of butter, chopped garlic, breadcrumbs and red pepper flakes. Stir, and add to pasta. Top with fresh parsely (and in our case, basil, too).

So easy, and yet so darn good.

Blog Party#25 is coming, and this month all our appetizers and cocktails are going Minty Green!
See full details here; send your links to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com no later than 16 August. Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Pasta + Prosciutto + Simple + Butter + Red Pepper + Parsley + Basil + Dinner

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