Many Thanks

Many Thanks

Thank you so much for all your birthday wishes!

I've always had an affinity for Wednesdays, so having my birthday fall on one worked out well.

No big plans; I made the tomago and started rice for sushi, and Matt put everything together for me.

He also made a cake...exactly what I wanted. A square, purple cake with buttercream frosting.

Cards from Alex and Matt, and a few gifts.

Pretty quiet, of the years, I'm going to really have a big to-do. If/when that happens, you're all invited!

Not a milestone age, just a year older. I don't feel older, which is what counts...

And don't forget---Blog Party #2, Tiki Party, is coming soon!

- The Baseball-playing Rockstar Batman-to-be Turns Six
Yikes! Today was Alex's 6th birthday, though he informed me he didn't feel any different from 5. He wanted Pad Thai for dinner (beams with pride, his mother does), so we packed up the ingredients and our rather large wok & had Southeast Asian...

- Look! It's An Unweildy Fondant Object!
Because spring break begins at almost the exact same time as Alex's birthday, and just about every classmate jets off to some fabulous location leaving him with virtually no party guests, we've learned to move his birthday party up a week. Yes,...

- Summer Jambalaya
Taking full advantage of this wonderful, miraculous 'I'll try everything' phase Alex is going through, we've been trotting out as many of our favorite dishes as we can. For a kid who wouldn't eat rice (beyond sushi) two years ago,...

- Apples? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Apples!
Forget the shiny red apple as a teacher gift. For Alex's preschool teacher's birthday, we gave cake. I call it 'The Turtle Cake', for what I hope are obvious reasons. Two (square) layers of a seriously dense chocohlate cake, smothered...

- Total Decadence
It was my mother-in-law's birthday this past weekend. She's very good about eating healthy, but she's never said 'no' to something from my oven. Matt drummed it into my head fairly early on that his mom loves chocolate. So, what better...

