At Long Last; It's My Turn

At Long Last; It's My Turn

I've seen this one going 'round for some time. And I confess I've been a bit hesitatant to join in...I may be the world's worst 'my favorite things' list-maker.

Seriously; I am terrible at this. When I'm asked to name my favorite song, I usually answer that it's a wonder that I can list my favorite song on one side of an album! (and no, despite that sentence, I'm really not that old)

Movies? I try, I really do. And as soon as I think I've got it, I remember a dozen more.

But, Cath's asked me to name the 5 Foods I'd Eat Before I Die, so I'm going to try my best to come up with them.

  1. Grammy's Irish Stew. If I knew I was going to die the next day, I think I could stop being a vegetarian for an enormous bowl of that beefy gravy, chunks of meat, potatoes and carrots. I grew up with it, and to this day it's one of the few dishes I miss.

  2. Endless sushi from Isobune...start with their miso soup (they don't use bonito), and tell them to just keep bringing it! Kappa and avocado maki, inari, tomago, some pickled daikon; yum. Love their sushi.

  3. Peanut butter pie. But only if it's made by my Mom.

  4. The cream of vegetable soup I had at Dromoland Castle. Oh, my god. It was as if the flavors of every single vegetable in the world had been carefully blended into the most amazing soup I've ever tasted. Even Matt thought it was darn good.

  5. An entire loaf of Irish brown bread, but I want to be IN Ireland while eating it. I don't care how many times I make it myself, it never tastes as good as the stuff we had over there. Slathered in that wonderful Irish butter...who needs a meal?

Blog Party#15 is here, and this month, we're hitting the books! That's right, we're taking inspiration from our favorite stories and turning them into appetizers and cocktails! Post your dishes no later than Thursday, 19 October...early is always good...and get your links to me either by posting in the comments, or by emailing me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. I'll post the party round-up Saturday, the 21st. Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food & Drink + Memes + Lists

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