Recovery Soup

Recovery Soup

I don't know about you guys, but after three straight days of baking, and a flurry of house cleaning and cooking Christmas dinner; well, let's just say meal prep is the last thing on my mind.

Sure, we have some left-overs, but it's mostly turkey. Good for Matt. For Alex and me? Not so much.

Deciding that neither starvation nor Papa John's on speed-dial was the answer, I did a little search and explore mission in the kitchen.

Thanks to my enormous new freezer, I have room for lots and lots of vegetable stock. Ok, good. That's a start.

A few loose potatoes, escapees from Sunday's dinner. That'll work.

Onions which won't last much longer; chop that up.

Both red and green bell peppers in the fridge; purchased for some planned recipe, but apparently forgotten. More chopping.

Olive oil in a pot, veggies dumped in and sauteed. Plop goes the stock (it really did make that sound...the stock was still frozen!), and simmer until TNT's weekday airing of Alias reruns is over. Add cans of cannellini beans and a wild rice mix; and cook till done.

So, how was it?

Decent. Matt threw in some sausage, and I added Bacos (which, funny enough, are made of soy) to mine. A nice soup, hearty and filling. And it made tons, so I won't have to channel my energy kitchen-ward for a few more days.


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Food and Drink, Soup, Blogging

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